Compatibility and accessibility
The website of the IFS was programmed according to the guidelines of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and using the latest standards HTML 5 and CSS 3. A correct representation is therefore only guaranteed with current browsers. For a wrong representation on outdated browsers no responsibility is taken over. The IFS website focuses on accessibility in order to make information easily accessible to people with disabilities. In order to guarantee this, great importance was attached to a semantically correct code structure with good readability and a clearly structured text structure with short understandable content and good scalability.
Online databases: Free search
The query function of the coins online takes full advantage of the SQLite Fulltext Search. Therefore, a lot of search combinations and truncations can be used. In addition, specific areas can be queried with the help of prefixes. Matching search terms are highlighted in all fields. IMPORTANT: Always enter individual words without special characters in the search field (with the exception of those listed below). Here some simple query examples:
- Both search terms must be present together in a data set:
Entire words: muttenz gallienus
Entire words: +muttenz +gallienus
Truncated words: mut* gall*
Truncated words: +mut* +gall* - The first search term must, the second search term must not be present in a data set:
Entire words: +muttenz -gallienus
Truncated words: +mut* -gall* - The search terms must be present in a data set in the exact order. With this type of search, the use of operators (+, -, AND, OR, NOT) or prefixes is not possible. Nevertheless it is possible to use the asterisk (*):
Entire words: "wilhelm vischer" "emil frey"
Truncated words: "wi* vi*" "em* fr*" - At least one of the two search terms must be present in a data set:
Entire words: jegenstorf OR cademario
Truncated words: jeg* OR cade* - The search terms must be present together in a data set. But each word must only be present in the indicated field:
Entire words: municipality:jegenstorf denomination:viertelstater
Truncated words: municipality:jegen* denomination:viertel* - The first search term must only be present in the indicated field. But in the same data set the second search term must not be present in the indicated field:
Entire words: municipality:+basel denomination:-stater
Truncated words: municipality:+bas* denomination:-stat* - At least one of the two search terms must be present in the indicated field:
Entire words: municipality:jegenstorf OR denomination:cademario
Truncated words: municipality:jegen* OR denomination:cade* - The first search term must must be within 20 words from the second search term in the same field:
Entire words: münze NEAR/20 mauer
Truncated words: mün* NEAR/20 ma*
Online databases: Symbol meanings
The following sympols are used on the online maps and databases for layers and links to other databases:
Hoard find
Single find
Swiss Inventory of Coin Finds (API)
Swiss Inventory of Coin Finds (coins)
Swiss Inventory of Coin Finds (archives)
Federal Office of Topography (API)
Federal Office of Topography (old maps)
Historical Dictionary of Switzerland
Portal of the Swiss Research of Place Names
Diplomatic Documents of Switzerland
Collection of Swiss Law Sources
histHub: platform for digital humanities
German National Library
Getty Vocabularies
German Archaeological Institute