
Dictionary online

The dictionary online contains 809 numistmatic terms in four different languages. If you are not sure what to search or your search results seem too fuzzy, try the index and take a look at the help page.

Information about the «Dictionary online»

With the publication of FREY und SCOTT CARLTON as foundation the SICF has built a database in four languages (german – french – italian – english) concerning numistmatic terms, that can be searched online. At the moment, the database contains around 800 terms and is meant to be enhanced furthermore. We are happy for notes about missing terms, if possible already translated in one or more languages.

The terms have been taken from the following publications:

The databases of the SICF are open source and can be reused non-commercially. At the moment, the coins online, the archives online, the library online and the dictionary online are available. Please contact us for more information. Authorized persons can manage the online databases at the administration area.